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Your search for "swedish" yielded 22943 hits

Increase in forest fires may damage the crucial ozone layer

By marianne [dot] loor [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (Marianne Loor) - published 12 October 2023 Climate change and modern forestry methods result in more forest fires. Photo: iStockphoto All particles that reach the atmosphere cause different chemical reactions. Particles come partly from natural sources such as volcanic eruptions and forest fires, and partly from pollution and emissions. Aerosol re - 2025-03-19

Eric K. Fernström Nordic Prize 2023 awarded to cancer researcher

By tove [dot] smeds [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Tove Smeds) - published 19 October 2023 Cancer researcher Harald Stenmark, professor at the University of Oslo and Oslo University Hospital, is the recipient of Eric K. Fernström Nordic Prize 2023. Photo: Øystein Horgmo. Cancer researcher Harald Stenmark, professor at the University of Oslo and Oslo University Hospital, is the recipient of this year’ - 2025-03-19

Faster detection of dangerous infections

By asa [dot] hansdotter [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Åsa Hansdotter) - published 9 September 2024 Johan Malmström, Erik Hartman and Artur Schmidtchen have developed a new innovative technique for peptide analysis that identifies new and better biomarkers for safer diagnostics in inflammation and infection. Foto Åsa Hansdotter In an infection, there are tens of thousands of peptides that provide a w - 2025-03-19

Newly discovered drug candidate increases insulin secretion in type 2 diabetes

By petra [dot] olsson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Petra Olsson) - published 31 March 2022 The islets of Langerhans are clusters of cells that are spread out over the pancreas. Lena Eliasson and Jones Ofori separate the islets of Langerhans from the pancreas to study them in the lab. Photo: Petra Olsson Researchers at Lund University have discovered increased levels of a microRNA in type 2 diabetes - 2025-03-19

My aerobic capacity – RPC

By asa [dot] hansdotter [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Åsa Hansdotter) - published 31 May 2022 Anita Wisén. Photo: Åsa Hansdotter. In order to be able to prescribe the appropriate dose of physical activity to patients, healthcare professionals need to consider a range of individual factors. There is a need to facilitate the assessment of aerobic capacity i. e. maximal oxygen uptake capacity (VO2max), - 2025-03-19

Focusing on chronic lung disease

By katrin [dot] stahl [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Katrin Ståhl) - published 24 January 2023 John Stegmayr. Photo: Katrin Ståhl The Lung Bioengineering and Regeneration research group is made up of about 15 researchers focusing on chronic lung disease. The group’s work includes the development of different methods to study disease models for conditions such as COPD and pulmonary fibrosis. One of th - 2025-03-19

Meet our new faculty management

By helena [dot] lind [at] sam [dot] lu [dot] se (Helena Lind) - published 18 December 2023 New faculty management ready to take over! From the left: Åsa Lundqvist, Charlotte Simonsson, Björn Badersten and Agnes Andersson. On 1 January, the faculty's new deans will take office. Who are they and what is their role? Agnes Andersson, DeanWhich of the faculty management’s areas will you be responsible - 2025-03-19

Interview with the Research Day Organization Committee

Published 4 May 2023 After a long break due to the pandemic the WCMM Research Day has been organized in its full form on-site again. It brought WCMM researchers, communicators, economist, the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) members, the director Gunilla Westergren-Thorsson, and co-directors Jonas Larsson and Lars Dahlin, the two newly recruited DDLS fellows and everyone else invited together to em - 2025-03-19

High-powered living DNA cannon

Published 2 June 2020 nano_tsunami.com_-_nano_medicine_in_depth.pdf File nano_tsunami.com_-_nano_medicine_in_depth.pdf High-powered living DNA cannonWe all know that a viral infection can be developed extremely quickly, but in factit's even more dramatic than that - the process is literally explosive.The pressure inside a virus is 40 atmospheres, and it is just waiting for anopportunity to blow up - 2025-03-19

Does one service fit all?

By carys [dot] egan-wyer [at] fek [dot] lu [dot] se (Carys Egan-Wyer) - published 18 February 2022 Delivery truck Perhaps not, argues Yulia Vakulenko. At least not when it comes to the delivery service needs and preferences of rural versus urban e-consumers in the age of consumer-centric supply chain management. The new age of consumer-centric supply chain management highlights the benefits of pla - 2025-03-19

Clues can awaken hidden memories

Published 25 September 2013 The scent of a madeleine dipped in lime blossom tea awakened a flood of childhood memories for the main character in Marcel Proust’s famous novel about ‘lost time’. The madeleine is an example of a clue for the memory. In Proust’s case, the clue worked subconsciously, in other cases we can use clues to consciously try to recall the memories for which we are searching. M - 2025-03-19

Long-term measurements show how the climate is changing

Published 21 September 2021 One of the two masts at the research station reaches 150 metres straight up in the air from the dense forest. A staff member climbs the mast every other week. Photo: Adam Kristensson. 20 years of measurements are only the beginning. Long-term measurements over several decades are crucial to enable predictions of how airborne particles affect the future climate, accordin - 2025-03-19

Achieving more sustainable value chains are crucial for preventing deforestation and biodiversity loss

Published 22 April 2022 LUCSUS researchers Barbara Schröter and Torsten Krause are studying how we can achieve more sustainable value chains for e.g. gold and cattle in Colombia. The Caquetá River in Putumayo, Colombia. Photo: Barbara Schröter The increasing demand of minerals, oil, and agricultural goods have severe negative social and environmental impacts. The extraction of resources leads to l - 2025-03-19

LUCSUS engagement during COP27

By Cecilia [dot] von_arnold [at] lucsus [dot] lu [dot] se (Cecilia von Arnold) - published 8 November 2022 Read about our research, engagement and researchers at COP27, the 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference, hosted by Egypt in Sharm El Sheikh. It is held between 6-18 November. Reports launched at COP27 The land Gap report  Countries’ climate pledges are dangerously over reliant on ineq - 2025-03-19

Meet LUMES Alumni Sophia Speckhahn and Annabel Schickner (batch 19)

Published 18 April 2019 LUMES alumni Sophia Speckhahn and Annabel Schickner from batch 19 visited LUMES to share their stories about life after LUMES, from graduation to getting their first jobs. Today they are both working with sustainability within different sectors in Germany. Find out what they think are the most important skills they gained from the LUMEs programme and what career advice they - 2025-03-19